World Magic Cup Qualifier

WMCQ banner
Dit jaar organiseert Albion één van de drie World Magic Cup Qualifier toernooien. Enkel spelers die het afgelopen seizoen 300 planeswalker punten gescoord hebben, mogen deelnemen aan dergelijke WMCQ’s. Om iedereen genoeg plaats en accommodatie te bieden, wordt dit event georganiseerd in Torhout, in samenwerking met de Woodland Mages.

We welcome all Belgian Magic players to the third and final WMCQ of this year.

To accommodate enough players we have had to resort to the wonderful venue offered by the Woodland Mages community in Torhout.
Venue: Campus Houtland, Rijselstraat 110, 8820 Torhout
At the WMCQ we will also host a bevy of side attractions.

The Woodland Mages have gracefully offered us the use of their venue and will be opening a bar with refreshments and snacks. Please sponsor this wonderful community by drinking and eating to your heart’s content.

Main Event

entry fee: 20€
Format: Modern
Doors: 10h00
Start of round 1: 11h00
Prize payout: Abrupt Decay promo for every participant + 4 boosters EM/player in the prize pool
Exact prizing structure will be announced later.
!!!Decklist required!!

If you wish to pre-register for this event please contact Albion
abruct decay promo

League Standard Side Event

League standard (gentry) is the latest MtG fad, created by Belgium’s most huggable judge and company. It has since then taken off with weekly events taking place in Gent and Leuven and monthly events in other cities. It is a fun and creative format.
The event will start after round 3 of the main event has ended (or at 14h00 if the third round of the main event ends sooner).
More information about the format you can find at the following blog:

I am told that regular league players will have extra spare decks with them, so it’s quick and easy to borrow a deck and participate.

Entry fee: 10€ per player / 8€ for WMCQ participants
Start: when round 3 of the main event has ended (around 14h00)
Prize payout: 3 boosters EM/player in the prize pool
!!!Decklist required!!!

If you wish to pre-register for this event please contact Albion Kortrijk

On Demand Booster Draft Side Events

On demand draft events: will start for every 8 players registered.

Eldritch Moon / Eldritch Moon / Shadows over Innistrad draft
Entry fee: 12€
Single elimination
Prizing: 4-2-1-1 (Eldritch Moon or Shadows over Innistrad boosters to be chosen by the player)

3x Conspiracy ‘Take the Crown’ draft
Entry fee: 12€
3 rounds of 4-player multiplayer. Last player standing gets 3 points, first player out gets 1 point, other players get 2 points.
Prizing: 8 boosters( EM / SoI ) will be divided among the 4 highest scoring players. The lowest scoring player gets a surprise dagger in the chest…. eurhm I mean a consolidation prize of older promo’s.

3x Eternal Masters draft
Entry fee: 30€
Swiss event structure
Prizing: 4-2-1-1 (Eldritch Moon or Shadows over Innistrad boosters to be chosen by the player)

Goat Enterprise Trader

Rudy Meijer from Goat Enterprise will be present all day to help you find those last cards for your deck or find those rare edition islands you’ve always wanted. If you have some cards to sell or trade, or are looking to buy, Rudy is there for you.

In case you want to reserve specific cards to pick-up during the WMCQ do not hesitate to contact Rudy through facebook beforehand.

Attila Altération

*awaiting confirmation* Attila Altération will be setting up a table accepting orders for altering cards, selling some of his alters and trade tricks & tips with all fans of altered cards.

You can find more information about this artist on his facebook page.

Player Trading Area

There will be a trading area set up, where you can freely trade and exchange cards. Selling cards is not allowed.

We do remind everyone to be wary of all cards they bring to the venue and that we cannot take responsability for any cards that get lost.

Last Chance Qualifier

The last chance qualifier for the WMCQ will be organised the day before (i.e. saturday 17 september) in the local shop in Kortrijk. A seperate eventpage on Facebook will be made at a later date.
For any further information, feel free to contact me directly.

Have fun, and see you soon.
